Measuring what matters in Instagram

Have you ever scrolled through Instagram and thought to yourself, why does my feed’s sequence seem so random?

Well for sure it is definitely not random.

With digitalization and technology constantly evolving, Social Media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are consistently implementing changes to their interfaces. Today's discussion will be mainly surrounding Instagram's algorithm transitions over the years and how it affects marketers. 

Back in 2016 and before it became highly commercialised, our feed was sequenced in chronological order, with the least effort to best-guess the preferences of each of its users. Ahh, the good ol’ uncomplicated days isn’t it?

Currently, the main factors contributing to Instagram algorithms are;
1.    The Engagement a Poster Typically Gets
2.    How Long People Spend Looking at Your Post
3.    Your Relationship with the Instagrammer
4.    The Type of Content

And… Probably back due to popular demand- partial chronological feel to user’s feed. The new algorithm gives more weight to newer posts rather than older ones but it does not mean that it will be entirely chronologically sequenced, it just basically stops very old content to be bumped up on user’s feeds. With that, marketers are able to strategise to post on certain timings with reference to the following guideline.

In exceptions to partial chronological sequence comeback, I also previously mentioned the four additional factors contributing to Instagram’s new Algorithm structure. If you can interpret, yes, you basically have to be popular on Instagram to get noticed by Instagram users. Marketers will have to work harder now just to increase their profile and posts visibility and it is definitely insufficient to simply strategise based on post’s timings. You can also find out How to Beat the Instagram Algorithm Without Actually Cheating here.

As a user, I do get confused on why I tend to be more exposed to a certain profile or content over others. Recently, I encountered instances where I was automatically followed to a certain tag. Turns out, Instagram identified that I was continuously liking a certain tag (which falls in the high engagement category of the algorithm) and automatically registered my profile to follow the tag without my approval.

Some may deem this as a “smart system” as Instagram implemented personalisation into their user interfaces. However, I personally feel that this is an invasive move, making me feel as if I am “constantly watched” by Instagram. Well yes, I can just unfollow with a tap away but with constant changes here and there, it just provides with constant confusion in keeping up with the changes.

With that said, it would be interesting to find out your takeaways on this. Do you prefer Instagram’s current algorithm or the good ol’ chronological days? Did you also 
encounter the "automatic follow'' situation? Thus, would you consider this interface as smart or invasive? Share with me your stances at the comments section below. 


  1. Great post on Instagram's old and new algorithm! I would prefer Instagram's new algorithm as it focuses on the content compared as it is based on interactions and how long people look at the post. This would push companies to create better content as compared to posting during certain time. Thank you for the post!

    1. Hi Zac! I agree with you with on the implementation of this algorithm, it will push marketers to create better content- all together proving better value for consumers!

  2. Great Read! Always thought it was random or based on timings but seems alot more complicated than that. Just wondering but does Instagram allow business or certain instagram accounts to appear more frequently on your feed than usual?

  3. I believe the higher interaction a user has with a certain profile (the amount of comments & likes etc.) contributes to the higher visibility. Thus why you may likely be more exposed to your favourites on Instagram!

  4. I prefer the current algorithm on Instagram because I like to see and know new yet related profiles or content. That way, I get to be exposed to more of where my interest lies. Its also easier for marketers to strategize and post the content to attract related and targeted consumers.


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