
Showing posts from February, 2019

Mobile Marketing - Is it essential?

What was the longest time that you have ever been away from your phone? Has it ever reached more than 24 hours? Most unlikely am I right? Smartphones has significantly impacted our lives in order to be able to function optimally. This statement can be illustrated through the following videos where millennials try the "The No Smartphone Challenge". After watching these videos, it had piqued me with a sudden realisation on how we have become so dependent on such a small gadget and also amazed at how its absence can greatly affect our lives. Even though we all know at the back of our heads that having high dependency can cause severe implications as depicted in the videos above, most of us are just too used to convenience and just take the modernisation of technology for granted. Hence with high reliance towards our smartphones, it directly correlates that individuals are much more exposed to mobile contents more than anything